Direct SvxLink 2 SvxLink composite (SvxServer)

  • Hi all,
    finally a svxlink server! I was looking for a long time.
    Unfortunately I can not install it, I get the following error:

    root@svxlink:~/svxlink/src/build# cmake -DUSE_QT = OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = / usr -DSYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR = / etc -DLOCAL_STATE_DIR = / var -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = Release ..
    Parse error in command line argument: -DUSE_QT
    Should be: VAR:type=value
    CMake Error: No cmake script provided.
    CMake Error: Problem processing arguments. Aborting.

    I'm not a programmer.... :)

    Thank's in advance

    73 Marco IW0RED

  • Hi Marco,

    did you remove the spaces after -DUSE_QT and before OFF? It seems that you have spaces there. Please take care on all the options, it is very important, that the options are written together without spaces at the command line:

    cmake -DUSE_QT = OFF

    cmake -DUSE_QT=OFF

    That may occur when it is copied from the browser and pasted to the command line ;)

    vy 73's and 55's de Adi, DL1HRC

  • Hi Adi,
    Thanks for the answer.
    I thought that I had fix it but there are more issues:

    root@svxlink:~/svxlink/src/build# cmake -DUSE_QT=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/ usr -DSYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR=/ etc -DLOCAL_STATE_DIR=/ var -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
    -- Reading versions file...
    -- Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
    CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:97 (MESSAGE):
    Could NOT find SIGC2 (missing: SIGC2_LIBRARY SIGC2_INCLUDE_DIR)
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
    /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:288 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
    cmake/Modules/FindSIGC2.cmake:31 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
    CMakeLists.txt:305 (find_package)

    73 Marco IW0RED

    -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

  • Hi Marco,

    you have to install all developement packages needed for a "normal" SvxLink installation, e.g. libsigc++-2.0-dev tcl-dev libspeex-dev, ..... and so on. It seems that the sigc++2.0 devel lib is missing on you installation, maybe pkgconfig as well?!? You need the same environment for the SvxServer as you need for SvxLink.

    vy 73s de Adi, DL1HRC

  • Thanks,
    works fine :)

    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    -- Build files have been written to: /root/svxlink/src/build

    I go ahead.

    73 IW0RED